Wednesday and I wake up aching from yesterdays gym work, quite a pleasant and reassuring feeling. I wander downstairs and make a muesli and coffee breakfast, which I eat on the “soffice”. I check my e-mails and messages and gather myself for the day. A friend is having her foot operated on today and sends me a picture of her leg emblazoned with a large arrow pointing downwards with the words “this one” written on her shin. Its a kind of comfort but also a bit scary. The fact that they have to so boldly label it suggests they have got it wrong in the past. I head for the Shed and settle into it like an old friend. It feels like ages since I snuggled at my desk surrounded my writing implements and inks. I light the candles and begin to write. I’ve missed this and I feel inattentive to my friends when I have not made the effort to write to them or reply to their generous letters. Even now time presses as I have a work call late in the morning so I endeavour to make sure that I have at least written one letter before retreating to the house to take the call. I succeed. I take my work call and then do some environment maintenance like bringing in the bins, move the cars and post my letter. Time for lunch before the afternoon meeting but there is enough time to start the blog and include some pictures of the miracles that are happening in the garden. Everywhere I look there are signs of spring and renewal.

The meeting is a mixture of guess work and fencing. It wends its way to an end and we all go our separate ways. I tidy some tasks away and then take a call from a friend who was going to inspect a potential party venue, life goes on despite COVID and and its aftermaths. I start to change to train, take another brief call and then head for the garage to row for half an hour. Its cold and the weather outside is blowing up a gale, so I strap my feet in and get on with it. Half an hour later I am done and relieved I have trained.

The family agree that today is to be a take away day and so I order and then change out of my training gear. We are just catching up with the winter Olympics when the food arrives and we tuck into our selections. Food, Olympics and idle chat and then I watch a football match on the laptop as the others watch something called the Tower. Football over I return to the blog before I slip off to bed. Tomorrow starts with a work meeting and then I have to get in a training session before my nephews wife comes to visit. I hope I still have chocolate biscuits left to entertain a guest with.