Thursday 8:45 and in 15 I’m due in a meeting. Me the screen and a coffee dead on 9 o’clock. I spend two hours in the meeting and talking with colleagues. It productive and also a good connection. Once I am off screen I do some work admin and then settle down to a dish of chicken soup. My partner and I go for a stroll round the village to pick up a paper and grapes before a light lunch. Just a normal day in the life of a prost8kancerman. Its so normal as to be surreal.
I have an energy spurt, rare recently, and before I know it I am changed into work clothes and I out on the drive cleaning the cars. The cars have become so dirty it is difficult to remember what colours they actually are. After a prolonged splashing and sploshing, drying and shining they are done. I finish the finer details and then I change and head for the sofa and a football match. Dinner comes around my favourite Thursday tuna pasta. Normally I slip into an evening of tired TV but tonight as my partner does her singing lesson I bite the bullet, change into my training kit and head for the garage to row for half an hour. Its a real effort but I keep reminding myself that cancer doesn’t take a day off so I can’t, stick to the plan is the plan.

I finish the session, record it and then get sofa’d to watch the end episodes of Stay Closer, while I write the blog.