Wednesday and my partner brings me an early coffee to get me moving. I check my mail and messages. I finally get up, pack my training kit and have another coffee to take my medication with. Then I am off to the gym. I get my usual locker and get on to the gym floor. There are very few of us so I have my pick of machines. I choose my favourite cross trainer, select random on my i-pod and begin my session. The time goes quickly and before I know it I have burnt 701 calories and travelled 6.45 kilometres. The speed with which the hour has passed feels like a sign that my fitness is improving. At the end of the cross training I spend some times working my upper body on the weights machines. I shower and retreat to the club lounge to drink coffee and eat an omelette. I discover that the work meeting that I was due to attend at 2 o’clock has been cancelled due to the chairs illness. The result is that I can be more relaxed for the rest of the day.
I drive home via Sainsburys and pick up some food to top up our fridge after Tesco failed to provide some items at the last delivery. Once home I unpack my kit and sort the days post. I have a new bone scan appointment in February, which I log and put in the diary. I make coffee and take my letter to the Shed to read. I settle down to read when I get a call from a friend who is tending her allotment. We talk about the various family issues related to illness that we are both experiencing. After the call I return to my letter. I write a couple of poems. These came as a bit of a surprise but very timely. The writing course reunion is on Saturday and the host has said that she is looking forward to hearing what we have written since the course. Up until today I had written nothing new apart from letters so my poetry spurt today is welcome. My time has been spent preparing old work for competition and for the poetry coyotes next video.
Night falls and I return to the house and do some work admin. Then there is early evening TV, dinner and football before I start on the blog. Tomorrow starts with a work meeting and then I shall train at the gym. Beyond that the Real World will nag me to do my tax return and wash the cars. Now there is a challenge for the back to work fantasy world of Boris.