Moving towards..

Monday, and as much I wish I leapt from my bed feeling full of energy and raring to go, I did not. I slugged it out of bed by 9 o’clock and got myself ready to go to the gym but not before clearing the kitchen and emptying the dish washer. I dawdled a while taking a call from a friend who continues to juggle the threat of COVID with a young family and battle with her own long COVID. It is going to be a long haul to retrieve the way of life in which we all thrived before COVID and recover our wellbeing. I then headed for the gym not bothering with breakfast as I train better on an empty stomach.

I get to the gym, buy a bottle of water as usual and then get changed. Its a cross training day so I get on board and start the session. Rammstein sounding extra good this morning and I hit a good groove from the off. Sixty five minutes later and I’m the proud owner of a new personal best. I’m through the 9 kilometres barrier. I go for a shower and then sit in the lounge with a large coffee and an omelette. I like this late breakfast post training, I might do it again.

Back home I go to the Shed but first I check the new hedgehog canteen. I replace the feeding plate and replace with discrete dishes so I can accurately tell what, if anything is being eaten and when. I settle into the Shed, light candles and write letters. I sit happy in my now more well lit Shed until my partner rings me to discuss the evening meal. I close up the Shed and return to the house to do the days crosswords. Dinner follows along with a Tesco delivery. Once everything is stowed we settle down to a couple of episodes of Stay Close but I become disenchanted with the plot line and start to write the blog. I have some things to catch up on, not least reading and watching my new Cirque Du Soleil DVD. Perhaps I shall get round to them soon, they look good.

Tomorrow is a day for being at home, training in the garage and writing in the Shed. There is a therapeutic community review to prepare for as well and some work meetings. It feels that the knack is to avoid treating things as chores or tasks to be done and ticked off and being satisfied with what I get done and not regret that which doesn’t as there is very little that actually is earth shattering.