Its Sunday and of course its weigh in day. 95.5 Kilos, which is a meagre 0.3 kilos down on last week. It makes me think of the New Years resolutions I made only nine short days ago. They are not going well. Here they are with an update:
- Stay alive, Yep so far so good
- Be kinder, debatable, I doubt my family would think so, work to be done there
- Notice the ordinary, I’ve noticed the irritating probably, although the garden is blooming.
- Contribute, I’m back to work and doing some stuff, that has to count.
- Spend more time in the Shed, I’ve had a couple of half days letter writing, so that’s getting there.
- Train regularly, training but not regularly. 4 out of 9 so far, not good enough.
- Eat protein and fruit, low carbs. Total failure here.
- Enter some poetry competitions. Not yet but have selected some for a specific competition.
- Keep writing letters to friends, Yep I’ve written quite a lot of letters so far.
- Buy less on Amazon,Too early to tell, but it creeps up on me.
- Learn how to plait my own hair, I’ve got a video and watched it but yet to try.
- Play guitar more. Not touched one yet in 2022
- Tend the garden, Done nothing yet.
- Feed the squirrels and the birds. Yep, I’ve done this, Squishy and Squashy are looking plumpish.
So it’s a really average start so I think I need to reset and go again with more gusto this time so I am declaring January the 10th as New Year. Monday, tomorrow, will be the start of the concerted effort, especially numbers 6,7 and 2. All of this in my head before making a warm drink for my partner before she wakes up. We have our drinks and then while she makes breakfast I Henry the upstairs. Breakfast is eaten and we set about the day. As part of my organising I refill the squirrel feeder and then decide to see if the garden camera trap has caught anything interesting. We last set it in October and have left it since then. When I put the memory card in the laptop I find that the batteries only lasted another two days and the card is full as well. I begin to go through the images. There is a lot of pidgeons, squirrels and the occasional cat and then there was this:
Hedgehog! Our own hedgehog!
Yes indeed we have a hedgehog, at least we did on October. It appears that the mound of leaves in the plastic greenhouse really is a hedgehog in residence. I’m so chuffed, I’ve always wanted to see hedgehogs back in the garden. I re-battery the camera and copy the card before deleting it, then I put it back in the garden. I shall be checking the camera more regularly now but I suspect that if the hedgehog is a wise one it will be well and truly hibernating in this colder weather.
The afternoon was spent watching Tigers lose for the first time this season. It was disappointing to watch but hopefully they will recover. I moved onto football as wall paper while I do the Tesco order for tomorrow and process the blog content. I make a start to write it. The family has dinner and we settle down to the early evening news to be followed by a new series of Vera. The evening will pass and I will go to bed full of intent to restart my New Year again although I have to say my injection is still sore and I am wondering if my new medication is actually doing anything except make me feel tired more quickly.