Going there…

Friday and I wake to find everyone else up and busy. I have a muesli breakfast, coffee and then settle down to review a draft report of a service review that was done before Christmas. Its a tricky report and take some time to tease a way through. A friend calls and we chat about how we are and what we are doing. We decide that at some point we will do a zoom or a Teams meeting as we both want to have the opportunity to chat and be able to see each other at the same time. It would seem that zoom and other platforms have taught us that the good old fashioned telephone call is just that, old fashioned. I continue on with the report review. At lunchtime my partner and I go for a walk around the village and to pick up a paper and some food. I have a brief lunch and do the crosswords during which a friend rings for a chat. She has gathered produce from her allotment and was on the way to play golf so it was a quick chat.

I looked for a treat in the infamous third kitchen draw down, where we keep the treats and indulgences. I was disappointed as I had forgotten that I had feasted earlier in the week on some rather lovely gingerbread iced cookies. I highly recommend them, they are very moreish.

Highly recommended, a super Christmas present.

I prepare the evening meal and put it in the slow cooker and then change into my training gear and head for the Shed. I had previously had the brain to turn the heating on earlier to warm it through. I go to the Shed and climb up on to the bike. Its the first time for a long time that I’ve used the bike and I am not sure how this is going to go. I use my training mask for he first six minutes but have to abandon it as I am so hot. I shed my top layers quickly as the Shed gets hotter and hotter but I keep going. I do an hour at a steady pace. I need to remember to use the bike more often, however it is not as effective as the rower or cross trainer at burning off the calories.

I end the session and return to the house to record it in my food and training log. I change out of my kit and then flop on the sofa. I watch TV as the dinner continues to cook. The evening drifts by in TV and rugby until I am on my own when I settle to write the blog. The highlight was getting the cake out of the fridge and having a celebrator slice to mark the second anniversary of the end of chemotherapy. No headway on the poetry competition front other than reading through some and picking out ones that meet certain length criteria.