Friday, a busy day. The morning is filled with the gym, where I cross train for an hour burning off 710 calories and going 7.79 kilometres. I indulge in a bacon brioche before returning home to sit in front of my laptop as I do the second half of a training course. It goes on till 4:30 when I log out and got to a call with a colleague from a therapeutic community. Its an early snack and then my partner and I go off to see Fascinating Aida. It is a great show, full of laughs and some very acute satire. We wore masks very many did not. At half time we moved back a couple of rows and had an entire row to ourselves. They are an act I would happily see over and over again. The drive home was prolonged by the rugby crowd filling the roads in the centre of Leicester. Home and its almost midnight and time to sleep.
Saturday is simple to sum up, breakfast, a walk in the local park and then rugby, more rugby followed by football. There was just time to watch the lead show showcasing tomorrow’s Super Bowl before clearing the kitchen and going to bed.
Sunday and its a long lay in before I get up and weigh myself. I am expecting bad news given my tardiness in my exercise routine, plus the fact that my diet has been crap over the last week. I look down at the scales with a sense of foreboding. Its 95.0 kilos! I am vey very pleasantly surprised and vow to return to my fighting ways and sensible diet on Monday. The family brunch together and then make the weekly call to our youngest daughter. Of course it takes us up to kick off time for the England v Italy rugby international. It goes well and we then drift into an evening of TV, package taping and odd and ends of tasks, including the weekly Tesco order. So the week comes to an end and that much closer to my oncology review. Its a constant that rumbles on in the background of life and I know that this one is going to inform whether I’m going to stop working properly and reinvent myself. It feels like its time to rebalance.