Fight, slow and focussed.

Saturday and I wake up with a partner with a cold. When I get up to make drinks and a Lemsip I am so pleased I took the time to clear the kitchen last night and get rid of the take way debris. We have our drinks and I take my vitals, they are okay. Up and dressed I start to cook a full English breakfast which will become brunch. I manage most of it except the grill catches me out and over does the bacon. However brunch gets done and with it my morning drugs. I am still not taking the angina pills and I still I remain free of chest/heart pain and I am free of headaches so I intend to continue. I am continuing to be fatigued. At about noon I watch a football match after which I accompany my partner to the village shop to get food. It is the village scarecrow festival but there are far fewer than the last few years. Our nearest exhibit is a magnificent spider.

This chap is guaranteed to give some children nightmares!

The walk to the shop and back has tired me out, I am still recovering from the weeks exertions at the hospital. I tidy up some life admin including the new oncology appointment that came in todays post and casting up my latest blood results. Today was the poetry stanza meeting, the in person one locally but I am just not up to attending, the fatigue is overwhelming. My hope is that on minimal mediation, just the blood thinner, relaxant and single night med, that my body has a chance to balance out for a while and I can get to grips with the fatigue on its own. I have no idea how this is going to go but I think its my best shot until the cardiac boys and girls have done with me.

So this evening I will eat tea and try to relax and rest. The aim is to get back to the rower on Monday and to to find a routine. In the meantime I shall try to stay relaxed, occupy myself and keep some activity going. Sleep is the great gift I can get right now.
