Bank Holiday Monday and I wake up in the spare room due to my partner having a stinking cold. I make warm drinks for us both and go to see how she is doing. It turns out we are both tired and fatigued but she has the snotty end of the stick. After a lot of procrastination I get into my training gear and get myself to the garage, but not before taking my morning meds. It is a hard session, but I do manage to do 5K in the half hour. So after nine days away from the rower that included a night in hospital and my Monday jab I think I have done okay.
What is a disappointment is that I fall short of a 100 points on my fitness App, I do some puttering to clear the kitchen and then I take my eldest daughter to the village shop to buy in vegetables and a paper. Its sunny and as a result the village is full of people come to see the scarecrow festival. Back home I sit on the patio doing to day crosswords until they are all done and I am strangely chilly.
I rest for a while as my partner and eldest daughter go to see the scarecrows. I got this far drafting the blog and just ran out of energy and drift towards the evening, TV and meds. This sometimes happens, my energy just stops and I cannot focus on anything to finish it apart from sleep. This is fatigue as it worse.
Tuesday and I have slept quiet well, I take my time getting up, taking my vitals and then making the decision to train again. I get my training gear on and do a few a chores before finally get into the garage and mounting rower. I just want to earn enough fitness points to get me over the hundred mark on my fitness App. I set off and want to get through to 5 kilometres. The session is quite good but tiring, the upshot of the session is that I make my 5K target.
Ultimately I want to get to 6K and to a 1000 strokes, but that is something I will not push, I will be happy if I can make it by Christmas. With the session out of the way I make myself a bacon sandwich and rest a for a bit. Once again I get myself going and go for a bath. Its a high energy use activity and I lay there listening to Mark Steels in Town. My partner, who is at work at home, pops her head round door and says my phone is too loud and goes back to work. I am beginning to think my hearing is not what it was perhaps that’s something else I should check out. I get to the crinkly stage and get myself up and dry and continue to listen to Mark Steel. I am very tired again and just spend time trying to finish yesterdays blog that I had to abandon as I just slipped over the energy edge early. Today is hopefully different in that my energy lasts a bit longer, especially as there is a Tesco deliver to take in.
It is now a week since my night in hospital and I am hoping that slowly I am recovering. I not only need to recover physically but also get back to feeding my brain. To that end I might contact the Americans to begin the process of getting the third collection in the Caner Years series published. At the moment I am minded to call it “Breathless”. As late afternoon approaches I begin to consider my evening and how I can get myself ready for the end of the week when my youngest daughter and son and partner are due to visit. There is also a family birthday coming up so I need my energy to see me through it. I get to the evening end, take in the Tesco delivery, take my meds and ready myself for bed. Tomorrow is yet another day to recover one step more.