Fight, hard and fast while you can.

Saturday, there are only three things that remain from Saturday and the are as follows: 1. The Poetry Stanza meeting, 2, the thunderstorm that induced a power cut, which interrupted the Poetry Stanza meeting and 3, Strictly is back and we were treated to a blind man dancing beyond peoples expectations.

I do not often get jealous of other peoples poems or work but the Poetry Stanza meeting contained within it a moment when I thought “I really wish I had written that opening line”. I share with you that opening line, unfortunately I cannot share the romp that followed as it is not mine to share but this is the first line: “According to a black sheep aunt swigging mead”. I defy anyone to read that line and not think they are in for a treat of a poem, and so it turned out to be. For me its a genius first line. Unfortunately for me it is the first line of a poem that has been entered for the same competition as I have entered one. To be frank I stood no chance of winning but this first line and subsequent ones just confirmed my thoughts. So for me the poetry meeting was a success right up until the torrential thunderstorm created a power cut. Of course everything wen toff and I was thrown out of my meeting for several minutes until power was reconnected, by which time the group were on to the last poem.

Having said goodbye to the group I settled down to watch one of the first rugby matches of the new season. Its always interesting to see how the teams have changed from previous season. As the rugby ends, pizzas appear and Strictly Come Dancing appears on TV, a sure sign Christmas is on the way. Amazingly there is a blind contestant who performs beyond almost everyone’s expectations. Its a long show as all the contestants are still in so by the end there is only time for one episode of the current crime series that I and my partner are watching. I take my night meds, check the house, set Daisy the dishwasher going and go to bed.

Sunday arrives and not only is it the Autumn Equinox but there are thunderstorms and it is teeming with rain. There is no incentive to get up but after warm drinks and a chat its time for breakfast. So the morning is spent sourcing a new swing seat cover for the winter and changing light bulbs in one of the bedroom fittings. It is necessary puttering to keep things going. All the while all the gutters of the house and the neighbours are over flowing as the lightening and thunder persist. Eventually there is a lull and my partner and I head for a garden centre to renew our compost store and to get yet more plants for the beds. A welcome scone and a drink and We head for home.

Once the garden supplies are stowed safely away I am able to watch a rugby match. I have still to start my latest book and think I am keeping it for the long wait I will have at the hospital on Wednesday when I go for my scan. Its one of those where they make me radioactive and then make me wait for an hour or so while it irradiates my body. Its an early tea and an evening of easy viewing before its time for night meds and bed as always the hope is for sleep that is uninterrupted by a phase of extreme restlessness.

A deluge to sit through

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