Fight non stop, nothing rests.

Saturday and I wake up in the Spa bed having slept quite well to the knock on he door and the delivery of breakfast on trays. It seems a long time ago now as I write this in the early evening of Sunday. I recall the inevitable packing and the number bags being ready to be picked up and stored. These would magically appear when we were ready to depart. My partner went for a swim while I lazed in the sun room listening to various things on my ear buds. There was a break for a drink, more lazing before we changed into our travel clothes and had lunch, our final meal at the Spa.

As predicted the luggage appeared as if by magic as we paid the bill and I recovered the car. The drive home was quick and we were soon unloading the car and settling back in to home. There was a pile of post, most of it for recycling but one item was intriguing. Someone had sent me a book, which is not unusual but this one took me by surprise. I do not know who sent it to me but I think I can guess judging by the particle physics and philosophical content. It is a book by Sebastian Junger entitled In My Time of Dying: How I Came Face to Face with the Idea of an Afterlife. I have no time to read it yet but I am intrigued.

The evening rolls round and there is an England football match to watch and a crime series to be caught up on. eventually its time to take my night meds and to go to bed hoping for a good nights sleep.

Sunday and I seem to have had a reasonable nights sleep, so I am able to lay in for a while. Breakfast follows and I spend some time just catching up with life admin and making sure that up coming birthdays are covered. My partner and eldest daughter go shopping and I start to read my new book. Its a very personal read that goes from one mans near death experiences to an essay on the possible connections between near death experiences and some modern particle physics, biology and consciousness. Sebastian Junger has an interesting personal and family history that makes connections across several fields as well as an individual seeking meaning for his experiences.

An interesting read, newly published in 2024.

I read the book in one sitting and I am left with very mixed feelings about the book. I am not sure the “science” holds up across the board. It going to take time to process the contents and sort the wheat from the chaff. The evening arrives with the closing ceremony of the Para Olympics. Its tedious, so I watch a combination of football and a crime series until I take my night meds and watch the Pet Shop Boys live from a concert. Boys is a bit of a misnomer now. So tomorrow starts a new week and its back to a round of scans and bloods in preparation for more reviews. I’m tired of fatigue but will set another collection of poems in motion tomorrow.

Water always finds a way.