Wednesday and I wake up with a little time before I am to host a drop in morning for work. There is time for a muesli breakfast and a coffee and then I am into the drop in session. There are several takers this morning and I send time fielding questions and explaining things. Gradually people leave and I read while waiting to see if anyone drops in late and to my surprise two services do so there are more questions to answer. In the gaps in the morning I read Barbery’s The Gourmet. Lunch time arrives, the session ends and I make chicken soup and check my emails. One email tells me I cannot access my web page tonight as there is going to be maintenance work on my site by the host from 10am tonight, standard eastern coast time. So this maybe all there is for today. This afternoon a shall read and rest and forget my ills and future invasions.

See the source image
The universe, the ocean, the sanctuary.