Monday, jab Monday. Up early and down to the GP surgery. A stand in nurse who is a bit cavalier. So I get my monthly jab and for good measure I also get my block B12 jab. I go home collecting a paper on the way. I spend the next two or three hours sitting wrapped up in a hoodie doing the cross word puzzles and reading The Elegance of he Hedgehog. While I read the squirrels join me and I watch the young ones learn to lift the lid on the feeding box. Another generation that do not need to go hungry. At lunch time I indulge in toast and cherry jam and then return to reading my book. I finish the book at about 1 o’clock with a real shock and feeling decidedly emotional. I’m stunned by the ending but know I will read this book again. As I reflect on what I’ve just read and how its left me a friend rings me. We chat for a while just catching up, I feel I’m not very articulate, a combination of the jab and the book. We say farewell and I put a meal in the crockpot before I head for the Shed.

I spend time writing lists and thinking. I empty a brief case and jettison some old notes including an old anger diary. The afternoon passes until I feed the hedgehog and pack up the Shed and go indoors. I am almost out of spoons and I am starting to feel grim as my usual reaction to the monthly jab kicks. I take a half hour nap. I get up, watch TV over dinner and then watch some more episodes of Wanted. I am tired but make the effort to draft the blog before going to bed. It would be nice to sleep tonight but I doubt it.