Tuesday, and I wake up groggy so check my messages and emails, before getting up. My plan is to go to the gym, so I make a coffee and find I have a delivery, a book from a friend. The tittle makes me smile but as soon as I have read the first chapter I am hooked, its going to the gym with me. My friend has an unerring knack of sending me books that engross me. For those interested this is it:

I take my meds and finally get off to the gym. I fill the car with petrol and gulp at the cost and wonder if I can do the same mileage at the same price by taxi. On arrival at the gym I pop into my partners hair dresser to pick up some shampoo and have a chat with owner. Its not often I get to pick up my partners Moroccan. I hit the gym and get on a cross trainer. Its hard work today but I manage to burn 711 calories and go 7.46 kilometres. I’ve drunk my usual 750 millilitres of water during the hour. I sit in the changing rooms and do not feel right so I go to the toilet and find I am passing blood. This occasionally happens but usually when I have really pushed it in the training but this feels different. It raises all my anxieties about my cancer but it also makes me think that my thoughts about kidney stones of a couple of weeks ago might be true. I shower and go to the lounge for coffee and a bacon and egg roll.

I drink, eat and read for a while. I am engrossed in the new book, so recommend it to you all. I intermittently go to the toilet and experience more but less blood and some pain. Its going to be a long couple of days but I decide to ring the doctor tomorrow, which is unusual for me. I continue to read until its time to return home.

Once home I feed the hedgehog and check the garden camera. No sign of the hedgehog in the last five days but the food is going. No sign of the cat eating it or the squirrels. We do have a new young squirrel in the garden. My eldest daughter caught the moment that it discovered how to get food from the squirrel feeder.

Our baby squirrel works out the squirrel feeder f or the first time.

The garden and the hedgehog attended to I turn my attention to filling my drugs wallets for the next two weeks and ordering my next prescription all the while drinking a lot of orange squash. I start to draft the blog as my partner goes out for a meal with a friend. My evening is going to be in two stages. As I draft this the world ice hockey championships is on TV and, already England are being handed their arses by Sweden, already four up in the first period. I shall then retire with my new book and read till I sleep. It feels like I am going into self containment survival mode. My garden continues to provide blooms to wonder at, which makes many things worth while, plus the odd young bird that’s not quite sure what to be doing.

There will be no surrender