Friday and I sleep late even though I went to bed early for me, so its about 9 o’clock when I surface. I am groggy and it is a result of the meds. I wander down stairs, hang my washing out and eat a muesli breakfast. Then for the first time in ages I am off to the Shed. I light my scented candles put on the radio and prepare to write letters. Its really nice to look out over the pond , (sounds grand but isn’t really) and wait for inspiration. The letters write themselves and are mystery to me. I am on two my second letter when I get a call from a friend on the way to the osteopath or chiropractor, I forget which. We chat for quite a while about how we are both managing and how we hope to progress. It is good to catch up and here how someone else is dealing with juggling their spoons in order t get through life. Soon after I stop for lunch.

Lunch is a treat as my partner has made me a bacon sandwich, the first one at home for a while. It is a chance to chat as our eldest daughter is out visiting parrots at the local bird garden. Over the last couple of weeks we have both had to manage the challenge of family members going into hospital alongside our own ailments. It has been wearing and there has been a lot of emotional heaving lifting to be done, it leaves its mark. It is especially difficult when the need for care is not necessarily recognised at the time. We talk about how we are and what we want. We have at least a weekend ahead that is free for us to do as we want to. It reinforces my decision to stop work in mid June, I need the time to rebalance some of the way we live. We finish lunch and I return to the Shed and my partner to work.

The letter I was writing is completed and so I pack up the Shed and an wander over to eh post box to send my letters on their way. On my return I clear he kitchen, empty Daisy the dishwasher and bring in my wind dried washing. I down a coke and head for bed in structing Alexa to wake me up in 30 minutes. I like my afternoon nap habit. I always feel better for it when I manage to do it. I do get woken up in 30 minutes adn have to fight off the temptation to sleep longer but 30 minutes is what is in the schedule for Olympic rowers so I stick to that. I get my gym kit together and then start to draft the blog, reminding myself to feed the hedgehog before going to the gym.

The gym goes well with me burning off 548 calories and going 21.51 kilometres on the recumbent bike. A shower and then into the lounge to find no bar service. So we drive home and settle in to a take away Indian. My son contacts me to say my granddaughter has been admitted to hospital. The doctors are trying to sort out what’s going on and will keep her over night. The evening continues with a spot of TV but it turns into an early night for everyone.