Tuesday and I have an exciting day ahead. Its the day of my Motorway Awareness Course. I get up and head for the village shop for a paper and I was hoping for the village café to be open. The paper is easy but he village café is not open. I retreat home for time to do the crosswords and to make a fried egg sandwich, which is delicious. I set about confirming the glazier for my sisters house and paying the invoices for them and the locksmith. I ring my sister to tell her the glazier is coming on Thursday and we have a chat. I always feel better when She answers the phone as it reassures me that she is cooping with life. Today she seems in fine form. I bring the Apeman garden camera in from the garden and down load the content. It seems that our hedgehog is venturing out in the light of early dawn most days. Our hog appears to be fit and well and I am wondering if the fine, sharper facial features indicate a female or not.

This is our resident hedgehog.

I replace the batteries in the camera as it appears to have stopped working over the last few days, although I am not overly concerned as the food keeps disappearing from the canteen so I assume the hedgehog is alive, well and eating. I log onto my Motorway Awareness Course and get quickly vetted for my ID. There is then a wait till everyone has been checked and then we are off. Nine of us and the tutor then spend the next three hours together. It is an interesting course with a look behind the scenes of traffic control, IT systems and hazard management. There is also some driving tips and information. Apparently wearing polarised sun glasses to drive in the rain and mist is a good thing to do. If you drive at 72mph at the point at which you would have stopped if you were doing 70mph you are still doing 17mph. Apparently small increases in speed increase stopping distances in a much larger way than one would think. All in all it was a good course and I have avoided points on my licence. Not a bad way to spend an afternoon.

My daughter and I have fish and chips for tea and then settle down to watch Bright a film about mixed species policing. Just as the film ends my daughter takes a call from her Nana who tells her she is being taken to hospital as she has had one of her turns. Paramedics are in attendance and give my daughter the details. I message my partner who is out with a friend. My partner returns home with her friend and we go into “Nana is going/in hospital” mode. There are many calls until its clear she is on over night and we can get some sleep. We all go to bed with phones turned up and close to hand.

Breathe in the roses, blow out the candles, and relax.