On we go

Sunday and its weigh in day. I wake about 10 o’clock and get myself off to the scales. I step up and look down in hope.

93.5 Kilos. a decrease of

2 kilos.

I am so relieved that I have lost weight. It means that even with my new medication I can control an important element in my fitness and wellness. It provides me with motivation to keep going. So tomorrow I resume training.

The rest of my day was all rest and chocolate. I did nothing meaningful beyond filling the bird feeders, filling the squirrel feeder, checking the hedgehog canteen and checking the garden camera. No pictures of the hedgehogs but the camera was not in the best place. I reorganise the camera and re-site it. I will check the canteen again and see if my impression that the “insect crumble” has been eaten.

For the rest of the day I lazed, ate chocolate, ate a good dinner, did the Tesco order and watched rugby until the evening when I cleared the kitchen and wrote the blog. I deliciously did nothing intellectual, no reading, no writing, nothing creative, in fact a day of complete slobbery. Tomorrow the grind resumes, so I will be of to the gym in the morning and then to the Shed.

See the source image