So far so goodish

Tuesday and unusually its a 28 day jab day. So I am up early and have an early breakfast before a shower. I tuck the injection pack under my jacket and walk down to my GP surgery. There is no nurse available so my GP does the honours. The nice thing about my GP is that he always is at pains to explain what he is doing. Its like a mini workshop but very reassuring. The injection done my GP checks the future prescriptions and then we say farewell. I return home collecting a paper and some strawberries on the way. I sit for a while over a coffee and the crossword before packing my bag for the gym.

I get to the gym, get a bottle of water and get myself a cross trainer. One session later I have burnt 733 calories and gone 8.72 kilometres. This is a good session and I am pleased with myself. I celebrate with a large americano and cookie before driving home. I have a snack and go to the Shed. Its important that I go to the Shed regularly as it keeps the books and papers in there dry. I settle in and write a letter but alas its too late to catch the post. I review my poem catalogue and begin to pick out the poems for the second Poetry Coyote collection. It will be based on poems written in hotels over the years and probably I will include some written in restaurants. As I work away I become aware how sore my injection site is becoming. I finish up and go back indoors. I begin the blog feeling progressively more sore and take more paracetamol before dinner. It will be an early night as tomorrow I have my first work meeting and a report to review. I am also aware that I am behind with my correspondence, letters will come. I go to be feeling increasingly sore.

See the source image
Spoons for all tasks.