Thursday and I wake up. First thought is to check myself over. Any signs of side effects? Nope just a craving for coffee. I get up and have a muesli breakfast and then empty the house bins and get the recycling up to date. I unashamedly potter, check emails, WhatsApp, Post Office Tracker and the dishwasher. I decide to train early and get myself to the gym. An hour on a cross trainer spends 715 calories and gets me 7.81 kilometres. Post shower I get into the club lounge and treat myself to a large americano and an after eight muffin. A moment of quiet indulgence. I am still not aware of any side effects and begin to think I might have got away with it. Of course side effects tend to take their time.

Back home I find my youngest daughters fiancé has arrived. I have soup and sort out my kit. My partner ends work and we walk into the village to do some shopping to top up our food stores. The one thing that was not available was Christmas wrapping paper! On my return I walk over to the other village shop with my eldest daughter to discover a veritable cornucopia of wrapping papers. After a while I drive my eldest daughter to her circus skill session. I wait for the hour and then drive us back home in time for dinner.

The evening, post meal, is spent wrapping a few errant presents and then writing the blog against the background of poor TV. The intention is to get an early night as tomorrow I need ot be up early to go and collect the turkey and other bits of food we have ordered from the butcher at our local garden centre.

Tonight was my second dose of Bicalutamide. I discovered today that this drug is used to stop or slow down “Tumour Flare”. I guess the rising PSA is an indication that the primary tumour in my prostrate is “flaring “so the intervention is timely. I am glad I acted decisively. All I can do is now is settle into Christmas and go with the flow. Messages from friends are supportive and kind as they prepare for their Christmas festivities. It seems Christmas is in full bright and shiny swing.