Wednesday, lots to do today so it warrants a bacon sandwich and coffee to start the day. There is something luxurious about a bacon sandwich to start the day, a proper working class starter. I get some materials organised for the afternoons training session and then luxury of luxury I head for the Shed. It feels like an age since had Shed time, so I turn the heater up to full and set out my writing implements. I write quietly for a while interrupted only by the occasional passing squirrel. By lunch time I need a trip to the post box and find that my partner also has letters to post so we make the trip together.

At lunchtime I do the crosswords in the paper and them go into my first meeting of the day. Its a meeting of sensitivity where carefulness is a priority. The meeting is very useful and resolves a tricky issue that had exercised me for a while. I have time for a drink and then I am into a training session. I cannot get the IT to work so that I can share the correct materials to the screen. It excruciatingly embarrassing and makes manifest all my worst nightmares about presenting. I try to recover and manage a partial recover dur to the kindness of some of the attendees. We break for a drink during which time I frantically put right the IT glitch and go into the second half complete with materials. Of course it goes much better and I get to the end with some self respect and confidence in tact. However the experience has reinforced my thoughts about giving up work to take a more calm path for a while. Anyway I go straight into my late afternoon meeting to discuss a current report that is being written on a service. It is another meeting where the sensitivities are tricky but we get though to a reasonable and proportionate way forward. By the end of the day I feel tired but have enough energy left to do a bit of admin.

I finally stop by which time a friend of my partner has arrived to take my partner out to a film tonight. My eldest daughter and I do some Christmas organising and then order ourselves an Indian take away and I settle down to watch a football match and then to write the blog.

Mixed in to all of this working and doing are the messages from friends who are being boosted, raising children, caring for ill partners and facing both predictable and uncertain futures. In all of this I consider myself lucky. I have my family raised and my faculties in good working order. I am warm, sheltered, fed and debt free, above all I am loved and cared for, which makes me infinitely rich. Regardless of how my coming oncology review goes none of these riches are diminished.