Sunday, and of course its a weigh in day. I get myself onto the scales and hope. Good news:

94.0 kilos

That’s a drop of half a kilo, which does not sound much but given where I’ve been over the last two weeks is a real result. Next week is a domestic week so I can control my diet and exercise more strictly. So a good start to the day. This was followed up with a cracking bacon bagel and coffee, so things were looking up.

Next on the agenda was Christmas wrapping. I retreated to the spare room and dug out all the packages and parcels that had arrived and started to wrap for Christmas. It seemed never ending. At some point later in the day I wrote a bastardised Pam Ayres poem to a friend. It went;

I am a Christmas wrapper
All day I Christmas Wrap
Of all appalling callings
Christmas wrapping worst of all.

Not my most inspired but it was off the cuff. I promised pictures of the “fuck cancer” T shirt my friend has made me for my next oncology appointment. Here I am in my new T shirt:

I finally get to the end of my wrapping and then there is the joy of recycling all the cardboard and packaging that has been generated, not only mine but my partners wrapping detritus as well. I’m not sure the recycling bin is going to be sufficient this week. I stow the wrapped parcels away and watch some rugby before doing the weekend Tesco order for the following days delivery. I settle down for an evening of Strictly results and of course the final episode of Vienna Blood. The end of my evening is taken up with the blog. I am hoping for a normal week this coming week where I can get into my normal routine and balance work, training and leisure. There is of course a set of bloods to have done at the end of the week.