PHASE III A.G.A.I. G DAYS 290 & 291

Thursday and its up early to do a full team meeting at 9 o’clock but not before I spill the the remains of my coffee over the bed and have to trip it. Straight into the washer to form a parallel activity for the da. The meeting turns out to last all morning. There is always admin to pick up afterwards and so it was this day. Lunch and then more house hold chores to do. Amazon delivers more Christmas and a couple of power saving gizmos that need plugging in around the house. I’m intrigued to see if they reduce my electricity bill as they claim. Time for the gym and my first exercise session before going on the writing course. The gym appears to be empty but almost all teh ockers have a padlock on them, it would appear that people. men in the case, are just leaving stuff in lockers over night or longer. In effect people, men , are claiming lockers. Its this boorish, self centred, couldn’t give a fuck attitude that puts me off men altogether. Me I change, train, shower and get out in the shortest possible time. I am bored by all the people, mostly men, just packing on the armour. I manage to drop 715 calories over 7.93 kilometres on the cross trainer, that will do me. I drive home to an evening of tuna pasta,euro football and three episodes of a series about Madeline McCann disappearance. All my years of being a forensic psychologist tells me there is something wrong in all this but I am not quite sure what yet. I never got to the blog, I was knackered and needed to sleep.

Friday, its cold and blowy in the world and I am reluctant to get up but I do, to a muesli breakfast and coffee. I do my usual e mail check and see if there are any messages or me. There are always loads of crap emails to delete and as this is Black Friday there are a lot more to get rid of. At about 10:30am I get a call from a friend adn we talk sewing and Christmas preparations for a while util I hear my partner calling i distress from the office. I find her on the floor of the office apparently having fainted. She tells me her leg and groin hurt while she was sitting working and when she moved it to relive the discomfort she felt great pain and it would seem passed out, hitting her head on the way to the floor. Slowly she recovered and was able to sit up before getting into the lounge to rest. She recovered quite quickly and took her blood pressure which was spot on normal and her pulse was normal as well. We had hot drinks and I went to the shop to buy bread and other bits that we needed while she rested having rung work and told the that she was signing off for the day. Our eldest daughter cooked us lunch and we ate together while theorising what had caused the mornings faint. My partner returned to the lunge to keep warm and I cleared the kitchen. I have a few moments to read a letter from a friend in Scotland. Her letters are always thought provoking and it reminds me that I still have not made it to the Shed to write any of my own letters this week. I know that I shall return to the letter again when I have some time to reread it properly and do the thinking it provokes. At 2:30 I took my daughter to her circus skills session and then went to Sainsburys to get some items we needed. I also stocked up on their very good large sponge and green pad dish cleaners. The Tesco ones just do not cut it. I get home to find my partner asleep in the darken lounge. I down a cup of coffee and an iced bun and start the blog, thankfully my keyboard has an illuminated key board so I can type at my “Soffice” as usual. I reflect that I have done none of the things I intended to do today, so the fish still need a clean, my report still needs to be finished, no one has a letter arriving; except me who got a lovely letter from a friend in Scotland. The garden beckons and needs some late autumn care, Squishy and Squashy need there food box topping up and I still have presents to buy and cards to send just for starters. Its dark now and there is an evening meal to prepare.

My evening goes quickly as I watch a rugby match and then juggle TV with surreptitious Christmas buying and organising. The weather is blowing up and sounds grim. Its due to get worse and continue into tomorrow, so I plan to do Christmas cards, sort my drugs and generally have a day of domestic warmth and comfort. For now its clear the kitchen, watch the end of the ice hockey game and then get to bed.

Christmas soon!