Jab Monday rolls around again. A coffee and dish of muesli and its off to the GP. Its turned cold and the brisk walk does me good, or at least wakes me up. The nurse is cheery and on the ball so I am not in the clinic room long. Today is the right side, the side that tends to be more sore than the other. I walk home and take myself to the shed to write letters. I settle down to purple ink and pens and write. The morning goes by, my partner brings me coffee and then later a friend rings to chat. It is a very welcome call. Lunchtime soon arrives and my partner and I go for a walk to the post box and then around the village. By the time we get back my gut is beginning to feel sore.

After a kipper lunch I start to do odd jobs like replacing light bulbs and gas fire batteries. I while away time waiting for the Tesco delivery. It finally arrives and there is the usual flurry of activity as we unload the trays and stow the good away. I settle back to odd jobs and then close up the shed and retreat to my “soffice”. There is a flurry of Amazon ordering for boring things like light bulbs and data sticks. By now I’m tired and cannot face training so resort to Mock the Week and drafting the blog. I think tonight I shall try to sleep early and read a little after my self esteem has been dented by Just Connect and University Challenge. It’s shaky junkie time.

More than ever now is the time of the 1000 li horse.