Sunday, which means a weigh in first thing. So that’s what I did with the result that I now weigh 92.8 Kilos. I have lost a bit of weight this week but not a lot. This is the start of the slow grind to shift the rest of the weight having shed the easy pounds last week by cutting out carbs. My partner and I take a walk to the village shop and pick more paracetamol for me to take pre jab on Monday, along with a paper and my weight loss treat, a bag of Whispa bites. Back home I read the paper and then set about doing some chores and cleaning. I spent some time using a wood reviver on our ageing sofa with some success. I also check my accounts to find a friend has moved money to me so that I can send it to our friends in Shri Lanka. I set up the transfer to the family and soon get a message from them to say the money has transferred. Hopefully they will send more pictures of the work they are being able to do on their house. To date they have been able to re-roof the house so that they are now able to keep dry during the rainy season.

I get to kick off time for the afternoons rugby international. I watch half the match but decide to go to the gym instead. My partner and I go to the gym and I cross train for an hour to burn off some calories. I listen to Rammstein to block out everything around me and spend my time thinking about my last four years, from a time of health and inspiration to the spiral of illness and isolation, much has challenged and changed but the most important things have remained constant. I remain able to stand and hold my ground in the cold light of day and the real world.

Back home my evening is mostly TV, and the joys of eating my weight loss reward, my bag of Whispa bites. There is of course the usual Sunday night Tesco order to do adn then onto the blog. Tonight I will do more drugs in preparation for tomorrows early morning visit to the GP and the dreaded 28 day jab and hope for a decent nights sleep.