Tuesday, and to quote the opening lines of Four Weddings and a Funeral, “Fuck”. I have woken up at 9:20 when my first meeting of the day started at 9 o’clock. As it is my one to one it will be noticed. I dash to the laptop and dial in immediately. I then have the embarrassment of explaining to my manager that I had had a bad night. My body and my condition gives me terrible hot flushes and sometimes it happens frequently enough in the night to keep me awake and disrupt my sleep. Bizarrely by the morning comes round I appear to have burnt myself out and I am also very tired so I find I sleep in the morning. Normally the noise of my family being at work in the house nudges me but today my partner has gone to the physio and my eldest daughter is already in the back room engrossed in work. Thankfully my manager is very understanding and we are able to get on with the business and finish just a tad over time.

I get my washing in to do while I have a late muesli breakfast and check my emails. I also get some work done on a new contract tracker. By lunch time I am trying to get myself up for going to the gym, I’m struggling with motivation but get the bag packed despite the inner me being resistant. I finally get my self out to the gym, where I ritualistically buy a bottle of water to get through during my hour on the cross trainer. I grind out an hour with Rammstein in my ears pushing me forward. I thought I was having a bad session but I managed to burn off 696 calories and cover 7.51 kilometres. Its always a good sign when you perform better than your body feels. I shower and as I change I listen to a very loud conversation about “doing weed” and whether it is better mixed or not and how one guy having done a bit of time came out and found he threw up the first time he went back to it. All I can say is that he must have been the most inept inmate in history if he could not score weed in a prison! But then having a loud conversation about it in a public place probably indicates why he ended up doing time.

I sit in the gym lounge with a large black americano and have a moment of quiet and send messages and emails to catch up with people and then its the drive home. Once home I put the bins out and then indulge in a large bowl of chicken soup and put my washing in the tumble dryer. My partner is going out for a meal tonight with an old friend so I plan an Indian takeaway with my eldest daughter and then start the blog pausing only briefly to order the Indian once my partner was on her way. Tonight I shall eat my all meat Indian (no carbs due to my new diet), watch England’s women play an international and then watch the Long Call. Bit of an achievement this one as it has a gay lead detective who is entangled with the religious cult that threw him out as he investigates a murder, just after his father dies and he is rejected, again, by is mother at the funereal. Now I would have said you could not make that up but clearly someone has! I cannot wait to see whether the young woman with learning difficulties who was befriended by the murder victim was the murderer or whether the fact that the victim had killed a child locally in a hit and run some years ago has any bearing on the story. That was episode one and there are three more, I cant wait to see what gets packed into the rest of the story.

Today is 860 days since my diagnosis, 123 weeks, almost 2.4 years. Everyday a jewel