Tuesday, the day the bin goes out and I get a day to myself. It starts with a muesli breakfast and then I head for the Shed to write letters. I notice the squirrels, Squishy and Squashy, have emptied the bird feeder and refill it before settling down to write. I spend the morning writing letters whilst a friends lavender candle scented the atmosphere and the heater kept me snug. I have a growing pile of envelopes but my stock of pretty writing paper is almost spent. At lunch time I have soup and walk to the post box to send my letters on their way. It is then time to do some Christmas shopping. I browse and research and by the end of about an hour or so I have cards and wrap with one or two luxuries to nibble. Christmas fun over I set about some enabling environment work and organising some future training sessions. By late afternoon I’m ready for the gym. My partner and I go to the gym where I cycle and cross train burning off about 500 calories. After showering I sit in the lounge and order an Indian meal and then my partner and I race home to be there to collect our meal. Its the wonder of technology and the encouragement of sloth that makes this possible. Having said that I am pleased to tuck in to my butter chicken and not have to cook. I watch the conclusion of the current Silent Witness episode and start the blog. It feels that like this is one of those periods of humdrum routine which I hope will keep me fit for as long as possible and will help hold my own at least up until my next oncology appointment in December. On the day of my appointment I have booked a pantomime for the evening. It seemed apt.

81 days to Christmas, oh yes it is.

From end to end there is light.