Tuesday and I am up early but not early enough to get my first call of the day. Its a muesli breakfast to start and then I head for the garden as it is unexpectedly sunny. I’ve intended to move some iris to the front garden for a while now so todays the day. I dig up all the iris in the back garden iris bed and take them to the bed that has been made ready in the front garden. Its had manure dug into it and now some compost is added as I replant the iris. It takes time but eventually I get the iris in. I’ve done my best with my grandfathers Irises, I just hope they survive. I’ve moved them into the sunny side of the house as their rhizomes like the sun on them, so I’m hoping for success.

The new iris bed. Now its down to nature and careful tending.

Having moved the iris I now have an empty bed to play with in the back garden. So I give it a good digging over and add a bag of manure before planting it up with the weekends plant buys. It allows me to put a wider range of plants into the bed and experiment with what will grow in this spot in the garden. Its much easier to plant these plants as their root systems are not as dispersed as Iris. There is room to add more at a later date but I want to see how these go first.

A new flower bed. I will see how it goes through the winter.

I finish the new bed and I am dripping in sweat. Having put the garden tools away I head for a bath with one eye firmly on the clock as I am tutoring at 1:30pm. I am lazing in the bath listening to radio 3 and the composer of the week, Bartok, who apparently spent a lot of his life gathering folk songs from Transylvania. Could not make that up. As I laze in my bath I get a WhatsApp from a friend explaining that the reason for her quietness was that she collapsed on Friday and had to spend six hours in A&E. She is recovering but it has been a bit of a shock. As she said in our conversation there is no telling what will happen next. A lunch of coke and hot cross bun and I am in front of my screen and tutoring through till 5 o’clock. Our basic message is “preparation” but the technology fails so I do not get to play the participants the video I had in my presentation. Here it is just for fun.

During this time the bird feeders I ordered yesterday arrive. The team have a quick debrief at the end of the session. As I walk away from my session I get a call from a friend who is on an inspection and ending her day at the hotel. These inspections can be intense so to get a night away in a hotel can be a relief. As soon as I am free I head for the garden and put the new bird and squirrel feeder up and fill them with fresh seed and food. Another step to prepare the garden for winter.

There will be a happy squirrel

I just get the feeders filled and its time for tea, I’m tired now and settle into the sofa to eat and watch some TV as I rest after the days exertions. I start the blog and hopefully will get an early night.