PHASE 11 A.G.A.I.G DAYS 222 & 223

Saturday and time for a lazy breakfast before making the effort to go to the opening rugby match of the season. It is a calculated risk but there is a limit to how long I can stay locked away in the house. Before I get going the post arrives and there is a letter from a friend in Scotland, its a delightful letter which I know I will reread several times. I watch my childhood football team Brentford beat Wolves and then get ready to rugby. So I drag out my Leicester Tigers shirt, sniff it and decided that I could survive. Its the old routine of driving into town, parking and walking to the stadium. Its more or less the same, cashless of course, and there is a larger restricted area around the player areas. We get in easily as the season ticket cards work and we make our way to our seats. Its a feeling I have missed and in that moment of utter silence by more than 17,000 as the kicker prepares to convert a try there is that sense of something special. The game starts and by the end Tigers have won. Its a good start to the season.

On way to a win

At the end of the game we file out happy along with the rest of the crowd and make our way back to the car. By the time we are home we have no desire to cook so order Indian in. Its a lazy evening and of course there is Strictly to watch. Its a strange compulsion but reinforced heavily by the fact that Bill Bailey won last year. Of course football follows and then bed.

Sunday is another lazy start which culminates in a bacon bagel breakfast and a chat. However before I can indulge I weigh in. 94.5 Kilos a drop of 1 kilo this week. At last the effort is beginning to have an effect. I need to have a carb less week to speed things up. Its a lazy morning during which I do some work on my training presentation before going to the garden centre to get new plants for the garden. Returning home with a boot full of plants I spend time in the garden weeding out the beds and preparing the way for the new plants. I realise now just how much work there is to do to properly prepare the garden for winter and the following spring so I think I will be spending a lot of time over the coming two weeks in my garden I hope the weather holds up. The guy who comes to help in the garden is going to find himself with a long list of things to do.

My evening is pie and TV until I catch up writing the blog. Apart from a letter I’ve read nothing for two days and need to create some time for me to feed my brain and I have a couple of books to finish. Tomorrow our heating system gets serviced so I shall be up and about early. It is a period of the mundane but in my minds eye I see my oncology appointment etched on my internal calendar. There is that thread of needing to persevere at the discipline of diet and training. I need to add more activity out of the house over the next twelve weeks just to raise my level of engagement and activity. The biggest concern is not knowing what I can do beyond what I am doing to reduce my PSA level. More research required .