Its Friday and it was another bed hopping night to try and get comfortable but as my partner pops out early to get a blood test I start a bacon bagel and coffee. She is back before my bacon is cooked. I dine in front of the TV telling me an 18 year old just got to the US open tennis tournament. I put my washing away and start to prepare some teaching materials. Thank goodness for Power point, in my creative hands its an art form. I beaver away till 11 o’clock when I have a Teams meeting with a manager of several services. It is one of those meetings that is a joy. Positive, constructive and productive. I come away with some useful things to do, an ally and a way forward at the next big meeting with senior managers. So I work till lunch time before taking a walk to the chemist to pick up my months drug supply. I am with my partner so we take a turn around the village and find a friend who had won second prize in the village scarecrow competition with his Gruffalo. We stand and chat to him with his wife for a while and agree to find a date to eat together. We return home, I have a light lunch and retreat to the Shed to write letters before I miss the post collection.

Its the moment in the day when I have to decide to get out of my clothes and into my training kit. It is this moment that at times trips me up. I make the effort and change. I get into the garage and set myself up to row for an hour at a reasonable resistance level so I know I’m going to be in for a tough session. I was right but it was made easier by a friend ringing me mid way through and by the miracle of blue tooth headphones I was able to take the call and chat for a while. An end of week conversation, ending the week and starting the weekend. I row through the conversation and when I’ve said goodbye the radio returns to my ears. Steve Wrights Serious Jokin’. I press on until that last few minutes that determine whether I break the 14 kilometre barrier or not. I push, I do, I ‘m knackered.

I get to my sofa and record the session. I change into evening “lazers” and watch TV while my partner prepares pizza and wrestles with the aggravation of trying to sort out the bed of nettles that providing home care for her mother has turned out to be. More NCIS and then Jesse Stone while I write the blog. The weekend beckons, dinner with friends, perhaps the gym, the Sunday weigh in, perhaps some mattress shopping.
