For those that wondered what happened to my waterboard mole hill and trench, the above pictures are of what is left. A new mains water stopcock and a neat trench scar to show where they renewed the pipe to the street main. I can now sleep peacefully in my bed knowing that if a pipe bursts I can at least turn the water off.

So I woke this morning with a niggly headache. The sort of headache that only warrants one paracetamol, not the sort of headache that just makes you want to destroy the world or act out your favourite Rocket fantasy!

That Rocket headache that makes you want to destroy the world!

Having dealt with the niggly headache I down a bacon sandwich and coffee and march off to the GP to have my bloods taken. Once again I have barely booked in than I am called. This nurse, not my 21 day injection nurse, is also very good and has the needle in my arm in a trice. A couple of dextrious flips of the syringes and I am done. I do as I am told and apply pressure to the fluffy white cottton cloud on my arm while the nurse labels my blood and tapes my cloud to my arm. Now I will wait till I can see my results over the internet and be anxious as to whether my PSA level is up or down.

My fluffy white cloud taped to my arm for safe keeping.

I pack my bags ready for London and Kew Gardens,which I am excited about, however I realise that I have to fill my drugs wallet for the week to come. I count pills into small cubes of gayly coloured plastic noting that Monday will bring “he who has made a pact with the devil” closer and the start of cycyle 3, which of course means block doses of steriods followed by five days of self stabbing. Best not to get ahead of myself and focus on something useful like making sure my camera is ready for tonights illuminated glass art exhibition. Expect lots of pictures later on and in tomorows blog.

My weekly chore, my rainbow of drugs.

We pack the car and head for London, stopping once for a comfort break and a gratutious bacon roll, before arriving at our Premier Inn just across the way from Kew Gardens. We book an early dinner and retire to rest before this evenings outing. I set to on the blog and have to up grade my wifi in order to upload pictures, so as I said earlier, expect a lot of pictures soon.

Just returned from Kew Gardens and our walk through the illuminated glass art sculptures. I’m tired so I am not going to say much just show you some of the beautiful things we saw. Sometimes words are useless and this art work proves it.