Thursday, a work free day so I can pick up some of the chores I need to do. So on to an egg sandwich breakfast and then into the garden for a few hours. I toiled away trying to tidy up the shrubs and bring order to the borders. A friend calls briefly, which provides a very welcome drinks break, good to be able to chat even for a short time. A few haircuts here and there on the ground cover plants and some radical pruning helped. There was a lot of dead heading to be done and it did not take long to fill the garden bin even when compacted down. It went reasonably well and as I cleared away some spaces I discovered the odd small jewel that had gone unnoticed.

A hidden gem.

By two o’clock I was done and needed a rest not to mention lunch. While I lunched I ordered some books written by the tutors who are going to be on the writing course that is booked for November. It seems a good way to find new material to read and new authors. I’m pleased that two of them are poets. It starts to rain so I look to my inside chores list. I take pity of the fish whose glass has turned green. Before I can get started I get a call from a friend who is catching up and tells me about her adventures learning how to play golf. Its quite a performance to clean all the filters, clean the pumps and outlets and clean the glass. Of course once that has been done a percentage of the water has to be changed. This particular overhaul meant finding and changing one of the bulbs in the lighting hood. Eventually it gets done and I begin a treatment cycle for the tank which means I put 44 drops of magic chemical stuff in the tank to begin to counter algae growth and feed the fish a second meal of the day to help them recover.

Clearing away the fish equipment I get my self sorted and take on EON. I try to send them my meter readings as they requested. They decide that the gas reading is right but they will not accept the electricity reading. Part of me is not surprised as it is lower then the last one they estimated, which cost me a fortune. What followed was an elongated wrestling match, me versus IT, Apps and auto bot answering machines. I will not bore you with the details however the outcome was me finding an email address to communicate with EON and sending them pictures of the meters. I am left with a sense of helplessness and a decidedly homicidal urge. Thankfully its Thursday and that means tuna pasta, a favourite, it distracts me. My partner goes off to have her first singing lessons in several weeks due to her teacher having taken a month off, I write the blog and settle into an evening of uncertain activity. I still haven’t trained yet today and I wonder if I can summon the energy to.

Into the ocean and feel the waves