Thursday and I wake again in my single MB3 bed. The sun is shining but I feel tired as my night was the now usual two hour sleep cycle. I pack my stuff and stick it in the back of the car and walk up to the main building to find it is closed. I chat to the two others who had stayed over night as we wait for some one to arrive and open up. Of course someone arrives and lets us in so that we can grab coffee and toast before driving home. I have a chat with our host of the last two days and then head for home. It’s been a really good two days of getting back to being with people again and discovering that I’ve the potential to be a relational warrior.

Once home I unpack and get the washing under way. I find an intriguing parcel waiting for me and I recognise the handwriting as being my sisters so this is going to be interesting, and I am right. A cracking T shirt.

Cicero is clearly my kind of guy.

I start to get my blog up to date. I cut and paste in the entries that I wrote over the last two days and get the blog into some sort of order. As I thought yesterday it was MB3’s fire wall that was locking my out of my site. I walk down to the chemist and gather up my drugs for the month. Its that time again, bloods taking tomorrow and then my 28 day jab on Monday followed by an oncology appointment on Tuesday to get the scan and blood results. As this two month review was the result of an increased PSA level last time I am eager to know what this latest round of tests is going to show. I know that I am quite anxious about the results as I have been experiencing “this could be the last time” moments. It started with the Olympics and has been reinforced by meeting with colleagues face to face over the past couple of days. This combined with the latest round of tests feels tricky. So its all about holding my direction, keeping training, staying off the sugar, keeping rational and taking it a step at a time.

I wander into the garden to see what had happened to it since being away and I am immediately surprised by the huge lillys that have come into bloom. Staggering.

I take to the rower in the garage for an half hour and find it is hard work. One thing about age is that I lose fitness quicker than I used to. Given that I’ve been away on holiday and then again this week its not surprising that this session feels hard work. I get through it and go for a shower.

Post shower I sort my washing and settle down to update the blog for the day. We eat dinner and I continue the blog till a friend calls for a catch up and I take the opportunity to seek her advice about Occupational Therapist assessments. I return to the blog to finish my day.

Relational Warrior