Friday and its another fun packed day of Olympics, but today they are against the background of intense thunderstorms. Thunderstorms over the sea are always more spectacular and make a good additional entertainment. We spend the morning and the afternoon just gazing and watching real fit people doing incredible things. Finally the storms abates, the Olympics ends for the day, I’ve booked travel for later in the month and done some basic admin so its time to venture out to the nearest shop to get food for the evening meal and a paper with crosswords. Its a relatively brief walk. Back at the cottage I settle down with the puzzles while my partner drifts into a late afternoon doze. I pack ready for leaving in the morning. My partner rouses and cooks our tea and we settle down again to the evenings TV. It has been a day of intense idleness and I feel no guilt knowing that I have two busy weeks ahead of me, both physically and mentally. I have changed my WhatsApp and phone directory picture to the new long haired me. I’m not yet quite at the Lucius Malfoy stage but to be honest I’d have to iron my hair to get it like his. So I am now looking for a curly haired role model.

It occurs to me that there was a wizard in the Terry Pratchett books called Rinsewind but its not the role model I quite had in mind. Perhaps I’d be better off going for hermit status and go for Diogenes as a role model. Anyway I’ve come a long way from the man with post chemo stubble and a steroid balloon face. I’m missing my pen and ink and the Shed but I guess I need to be patient for a while and stay focussed on the stuff to come, like Mondays CT scan.

See the source image