Tuesday and its a day for a lay in, a long lay in. So long that its 10 o’clock before the first coffee and the initial check of the emails and WhatsApp. Of course the Olympic results had to be checked and celebrated with toast and more coffee. By now its getting close to time to go for our booked lunch at an arty hotel a quarter an hour away. A shower and a change and we set off for the Gunton Arms. My Satnav takes me down every small back road and past a police speed camera van, oops, time will tell. We arrive.

Doesn’t look much from outside but is full of surprises.

We are shown to our table and order initial drinks as we peruse the menu. The menu is interesting and the specials board looks good. Its a tricky decision but I decide on a starter, main and pudding.

Specials. The crab & salmon cake is irresistible.

My starter is excellent followed by an equally good main. It’s so good to eat excellent food that is made by someone else. We are surrounded by art and in between courses we read the “art pamphlet” to tell us what we are surrounded by. There is an Enim room with some of her trade mark illuminated signs.

The Enim room complete with copulating dinosaurs, bondaged woman and Enim sign.
It says “I said don’t practice on me”

As I sit and eat my crab pasta I have the Irish Elk fossil antlers over looking me above the open cooking range where the cook prepares steaks and other goodies. The Elk antlers are thousands of years old and came from an Irish peat bog. The owner of the Gunton Arms is an art dealer and bought them at auction years ago.

The giant Irish Elk antlers preserved in a peat bog.

Opposite me are two Damian Hurst butterfly prints but there is also a provocative peace by an artist, which in fact is also a visual joke. I do not think some people get it as the reviews of the hotel make mention of racist art. It is a difficult piece but as the “art pamphlet” notes the art here is meant to make people think and to prompt an emotional response.

Provocative but refreshing to find this in a public place. For me this is art at its thought provoking best.

By the time I am through the main dish, crab pasta, I of course need a piss and set off for the gents. Well of course this is an experience, here are a few of the things that adorned the walls.

The Gilbert and George outside the gents door.

My pudding is superb cheese cake and is followed by coffee. Its been a real experience and if it was possible I would like to return and have more time with the art work as there is so much here to take in. Amongst them are a series of pictures of women alcoholics showing them at their most vulnerable and distressed which were designed in response to a request to design labels for a wine company, unsurprisingly they were never used by the wine company. Although I like the art I am not sure the couple at the nearest table to this set of pictures felt about tucking into lobster next to the image of a woman being sick into a sink. We tip the waitress and pay the bill. We drive back to the cottage to rest and recover. I write the blog as I want to capture my day freshly. Soon we will go for a recovery walk and then we will see what the evening brings. The evening brought a walk to Mundesley and back and a peaceful rerun of the Olympics. Tomorrow I need to book my next oncology blood test, 28 day injection and the net months drugs. It never really leaves me.