Saturday and its holiday day. We are going to Mundesley in Norfolk but as we cannot get into our accommodation until 5pm we have a morning to do things in. I take the car to the garage and check the tyres and top up the tank before backing it into the drive to load. The parcel I prepared yesterday gets taken to the post office and starts its second journey to Sweden, hopefully this time it will make to its intended recipient. Its then time to pack. A fast and mundane job as its only for a week so there is not much need for any creativity or thought. With the cases packed and loaded we sit and watch some of the Olympics. Our “star” woman sprinter doesn’t make the final and weeps on TV about having a torn hamstring and it was a miracle that she made the games. Everyone is supportive and saying how brave she is and I am think less charitable thoughts. She knew she could no twin yet went anyway and robbed someone else of the chance of going to the Olympics. She used a place for vanity. What is more , what where her coaches doing letting her run in that state, could no one say no to her? We drive off to holiday.

It all goes well till we get to the junction of the A47 and the A1065 and then it all grinds to a halt. Several police cars zip past in full blues and twos. This is not good. As luck would have it we are at a roundabout so we retrace or route and stop at a retail park on the edge of Kings Lynne and indulge in pizza and coke followed by coffee. I plot a new course and we set off to Swaffham and then onto our destination with out any further problems. we arrive at Sea Lavender and let ourselves in and pack the food away before half unpacking and going for a quick walk to find the sea. Pictures will follow tomorrow. I realise that I have not packed my spare drugs pack for the week that means that one I have will run out on Thursday so I spend time juggling the dosages over the week to even things out. There is nothing life threatening in this, just a minor inconvenience. I settle down to write the blog and sort out the WiFi code and get going on the blog. It feels like a long day so an early night maybe in order but I suspect it depends on what is happening at the Olympics, which one child on the radio described as “Sports day for adults”, genius!

Staying amused on a rainy day.