PHASE II A.G.A.I.G DAYS 169 & 170

Tuesday and its my eldest daughters birthday. Of course we watch the Olympics together for the morning and then lunch lightly. I get myself ready to train and head for the shed. I’ve decided to go with the bike today, a gentle turn over for the legs to give them a break from the rower. So I clamber aboard and go for a gentle hour. It turns out a reasonable session.

I am dripping sweat and sitting on the sofa recoding the session in my journal when both my partner’s brother and the garden guy turn up. It coincidentally starts to rain. I excuse myself and get out of my training gear and then make the garden guy a tea before settling down to a couple of alcohol free beers with my brother in-law. We chat about how we are both waiting on the medical profession to make decisions and general family stuff. My partner joins us and we talk more family business. He had walked round, but now its throwing it down so I give him a life home.

The garden guy leaves a bit later and we sit down to a birthday tea with the traditional present and card opening. I blow my austerity week with a large wedge of coffee sponge cake. We settle down to more Olympics but I notice that when I go for a pee that there is some blood, just like previous times after really hard cycle sessions. As the evening goes on it clears, once again like previous occasions. What is clear is that it takes less effort on the bike to induce some blood in the urine. What ever is going on it is probably related to the rise in PSA so its timely that I am going through new scans and have an oncology appointment in the near future. Tired I reach the end of the evening and take myself to bed.

Wednesday and its breakfast followed by the Olympic catch up. Once I had breakfasted I retreat to the Shed to write letters. I tried to fill my new triple ink well straight from the ink bottle. That was a tragic mistake which just created a mess which took time to clear up and prompted me to order a filler bottle and some more ink. I finally get to write my letters. I get post that tells me I have a new CT scan date, so I shall return from holiday and then get scanned on Monday. I get to lunch time and decide to bring the bin in and find it is stinking and rancid so end up hosing it out in the garden. One of life’s surprise jobs. An omelette lunch and then a walk across to the post box before I get ready to train. I take a call from my friend on holiday and discover that it is raining up north. Its going to be a hard session on the rower, its time to find out how hard a full resistance session is. So I get changed and make my way to the garage to train. My expectations are met, its bloody hard but I make it and I am surprised that I have rowed further at this level than my personal best at the lower level of resistance above maximum. Go me.

Well being pleased with myself I take a bath to ease my muscles and then sit down to tea. Time to write the blog and to watch Baptiste. Tomorrow is all work.

Crab Day