Saturday and I am awake at 6 o’clock, coffee and half a bagel adn we are packing the car for the return journey. By 7:26 we are rolling from the sunny shores of Westwood Ho! Just out side Bideford we stop to top up the tank and check the tyres. First blast takes us to Bristol where we have a rapid pee break and then head north again. The traffic is flowing nicely, which is more than can be said for the south bound carriage way. We keep on until home having consumed one scone and half a bag of wine gums to sustain me. Home at just gone 11:30, a real good journey.

I unpack straight away and get my washing into the machine and the rest of my stuff put away. I get a drink and settle down to watch the rugby league final, half time is hang the washing out time. At the end of the game I gird up my loins and get the lawn mower out. I cut the grass back and front. I then took time out to take pictures of the flowers that have come out while I’ve been a way. Once again the garden is bountiful in its gifts.

What can I say other than wow, nature does it again. We dinner outside and I return inside to write the blog before getting my washing in. I shall be having an early night as I can feel tiredness creeping up on me and tomorrow I start to take prophylactic paracetamol to offset the reaction that I get to my 28 day injection on Monday. But it is a joy to return to my home Wi Fi, the speed is so much better than when on holiday.