Thursday and it starts with a muesli breakfast and then I am in front of the screen doing the first meeting of the day. A useful meeting but then its on to the next one where we sort out some team arrangements. The morning has flashed by and so after a soup lunch I settle down to read my new book that has arrived this morning. It’s Tedeschi et al’s Posttraumatic Growth: Theory, Research and Applications, and it is a treasure trove of information that I can use in my presentation that I am putting together. I read and make notes until about two o’clock when I drive my partner over to her mothers where I tend the patio pots and she sorts out some banking issues. We go to the local building society to collect a cheque and return to have coffee with her mum. We return home to cook tea and my partner have her singing lesson. This turned out not to happen due to the teacher who had not sorted herself out after recently moving. I watch TV and then start to write the blog. I’m bored, I order a tamping iron and work gloves as I anticipate delivery of cold repair tarmac tomorrow. When all the materials come together I shall resurface some of the drive and fill the pot holes. It will be a relief to have something “solid” to do that has an outcome. More immediately I am thinking about what I am going to cook for our guests on Saturday night. Just the main course to sort out. I send flowers to my clinical supervisor who has just won an award with her company as “The Best Mental Health Consultancy”, which is a great achievement and richly deserved. I’ve not trained to day and I’m tetchy and irritable as a result.

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