Tuesday and I am up with the lark as I am taking my eldest daughter for her first vaccination. So the luxury of an early shower and muesli breakfast. My partner goes off to the physio and I take my eldest into town to find the vaccination centre. Parking in a totally empty level of a car park we walk into the centre of Leicester. We find the centre in on of the shopping centre chemists and my daughter takes a seat in a set of perspex cubicles. A five minute wait and she is called into the jab room. I time it on my stop watch. 2 minutes 37 seconds. Really, that fast. She is ushered to the “recovery cubicles” to wait for 15 minutes before she gets released. I note that she is in cubicle 13, I remember that my fist cycle o f chemo was in bay 13. I wait outside in the sun until she is released and we head for the giant cookie store only to find it closed. We end up in Costa Coffee with drinks and snacks. It was a strange encounter with the outside world all perspex screens and half worn face masks. Very few people around and an eerie ghost town feel. We drive home and I head for the garden to the Shed to write letters and then to plant all the plants that were given to me for fathers day. After a quick trip to the post box I spend hours clearing spaces and planting things. My garden is now even more pregnant with flowery potential in the coming months.

As I go round the garden clearing up I notice that the white peony has come into flower, too good an opportunity to miss.

A brief rest to eat soup and I am into the garage to train for half an hour on the rowing machine. A reasonable session to keep me going.

I change and the family eat tea. I settle down to do the blog until the England game comes on the TV at 8 o’clock. England win, Scotland loose. I finish the blog and head for bed as tomorrow I am part of a team delivering some training on line.

See the source image
Out there adventure awaits