Saturday and the usual early morning coffee in bed and chat. This morning my youngest daughter joins in for a while before we all get up for breakfast. A long and enjoyable breakfast for all the family before we get ready to go to the garden centre where my youngest buys me new plants for fathers day.

My Fathers Day present from my youngest daughter.

We return home and unload my present plants and then indulge in coffee and coffee cake on the patio. The post arrives and its all for me. A new oncology appointment in the middle of August accompanied by another blood test form is the first delight. The second is my new light weight Oxford Bags with matching double breasted waist coat. They are excellent and I am looking forward to an opportunity to wear them out. The family settles into lounge mode and I head for the garage to do an hour on the rower at the lower resistance level. It turns out to be a good session and I end up setting a new personal best.

I put my weekly wash in the machine, wave my partner and youngest daughter off to the hairdresser and settle down to watch the football. A good game, during which I check the meat , put in the potatoes and load the tumble drier and start to write the blog as tonight I shall be playing on line games with the family and hopefully avoiding too much indulgence. So I go to feast and play with my family, tomorrow is weigh in day and the start of pre 28 day jab paracetamol.

Iron for ever