Friday and its adventure day. Well at least I’m going out. So while my partner makes breakfast I fill the car and check the tyres. I open up the greenhouse for the day and then we set off to Matlock Bath equipped with an emergency picnic. Well you never know in this COVID world. I drive the the hour and a quarter to the long tailback to get into Matlock Bath. It would appear that everyone else in the world decided it would be nice to have lunch in Matlock Bath. The parking spaces in the centre were all taken so we drove through to the Sainsburys car park . Here at least there were toilets which seemed a bonus until it cost me 20p to have a piss. However in these modern days you can swipe a card rather than fumble around for loose change. We noted the train availability in the area and the numerous walks.

My partner and I walk into the town and find a lower tor walk which we follow for a short time before feeling peckish.

The main part of Matlock is crammed with people, basically Matlock Bath is a seaside town without the beach or donkeys. The consequence of this is that people gather on the street cafe facilities to sun themselves and wonder at the rolling green waves of the surrounding Cromford Hills. We head for a bar towards our car park and settle in to enjoy our first meal commercially produced. Not content with the meal we follow up with coffee and chocolate and walnut cake. A luxury indulgence but worth it. It was nice to have time to enjoy the food and have time to chat away from home. I drive us back and of course head to the garden to see how the garden is. There are new things to see and things that have been ignored. Here are a few:

I settle on the sofa for the evening and after an amount of unhealthy TV I write the blog. I’ve not trained for two days now and I am getting twitchy and irritated with myself. I inexplicably suddenly feel the wind blows harder around my dandelion clock.