Monday and its time to get ready for my hospital appointment in the afternoon. So I have lots of time to eat breakfast and settle down to write a letter. Its throwing it down with rain and clearly the plants I put in yesterday are appreciating it. I get my admin ready for the afternoon. By lunchtime I am all admin’d out so I take a shower and pick my outfit. Before I can get anywhere Tesco deliver. The delivery guy was soaked and had another four hours on shift to do. Before I can leave for the hospital Amazon deliver my latest Rovelli book Helgoland. Its basically about Relational Quantum Theory. I love his books and I am looking forward to getting into this one.

Its time to head off to the hospital. The drive is straight forward and I am greeted with “Use the hand sanitiser”. I fill in forms and settle down to wait while reading my book. At precisely the appointment time the doctor invites me into his consulting room. We have a really relaxed conversation and he looks at my sebaceous cyst. We discuss my current medication and cancer and what effect surgery might have. This experience is worth every penny its costing me. We discuss a possible timetable and he goes off to check the cost. He returns and tells me the cost, which is in the ball park I expected. So he books me in for the 20th of May, just ten days to go. I go in on the Monday before for a pre-surgery COVID test then isolate till the Thursday. Post operation I will return to have the surface stitches out. My looks will be enhanced by a scar I shall palm off as an old bullet scar. “Luckily the bullet passed through my cheek, It was a narrow shave!” I drive home and walk over to the post box to drop my letter in the box. It seems appropriate to order take out tonight and relax after the excitement of the day. I change, order Indian and settle down to my new book. I am instantly hooked and read solid till the Indian meal arrives. As soon as the meal is over I am back to the book. I ring my sister to tell her that the mobile number she gave me is not responding so that she can follow it up. I go back to the book until I can read no more due to brain fullness and turn to writing the blog. Tomorrow I am attending an online conversation with Irvine Yalom in the evening, I am excited as he has been a hero of mine for years.

Tomorrow, Tomorrow and Tomorrow