So here we are back to the blog on Tuesday having got it up and running again this morning. After getting the IT together I have breakfast, move my car so my partner can go to the physiotherapist. I settle down to continue numbering poems. In the end I go for an old fashioned analog process of cutting them up and sorting them into lines according to date.

I plug away unstintingly until I get to the end. Having sorted them by date I then numbered them electronically in the digital file. Having done this I then merged two files and have finally got all my poems in date order in a single file. Now its time to edit them all and get them ready to publish and that’s the exciting part of embarking on self publishing. By the time I have had lunch and started the editing and formatting its time to train. I clamber into my training gear and go to the shed to bike for an hour.

I go for a bath and find no hot water, so while the system kicks in I run tests on the bath sealing as there appears to be a leak. I ascertain that the shower and bath are okay but the bath sealing is not. So I now have a project to strip out the bath calking and reseal it. I check videos on how to do it and order the things I need. I get a call from a friend as she goes to collect her daughter and we talk work and the balance of work and family. I finally get my bath and then tea before watching a European football match. I return to the web site to write the blog and I am relieved that it is still operating. In all this excitement I find myself reapplying for my driving license. I got the standard threatening letter from the DVLA noting my age and the fact that my license runs out in July. I reapply on the online website and decide I only want a car driving license if it means I can do it on line. If I wanted to retain the ability to drive trucks I would have to have done it on a paper version. Life is too short for that.