Saturday, and what a day. Up very early as Doobies deliver a new garden parasol at 7:30 in the morning. Once it arrived I had time to put loads of washing in. While the washing machine hummed away I boxed up the clothes destined for the charity shop. As soon as the clock hit nine o’clock I was off to the nearest Age UK. They seemed pleased to receive my boxes of labeled goodies and quickly squirreled them away whilst I drove off relieved to have space in the garage again to put the bench out. Stopping on the way home I check the car tyres and fill the tank. Home to a bacon bagel and the challenge of assembling the parasol. I put the jigsaw together and found some paving slabs to act as the counter weight, so the transformation went well.

At about 1 o’clock we got the news that one of my nephews partner had given birth to a baby girl. A new addition to the family, which is exciting news and good news at a time of difficulty. There is a flurry of hurray’s and congratulations and the day seems to be good. We would not get to know the new arrivals name until the next day, which turns out to be a beautiful name and one that as a flowers name really appeals to me. It is now spring proper and is confirmed as I notice that one of the bulb planted pots is actually coming to life.

Spring is here, its green nose like an arising mole peeps through.

I settle down to watch the English women’s rugby team grind out a win against the french, a reasonable afternoons entertainment. We eat tea and wait the arrival of our youngest daughter who has been visiting friends over Birmingham way. She arrives and settles in as we sit as a family to watch the Sound of Metal. A lovely film with real impact, I recommend it to anyone who likes people.

I find my way to football highlights post the film and then tiredly go to bed.

Sunday, another up early day for today we go to buy sparkles. But first of course I need to weigh in. I have not trained all week and expect a considerable weight gain. I am wrong:

90.9 Kilos.

The same as last week, my weight has held steady, I am amazed. I silently determine to get back to training next week. Its medicine and part of the battle, I cannot afford the luxury of anymore rest.

A croissant breakfast with fresh coffee and we are off to town. Its the first time of actually going into town for just over a year, its strange, deserted like a wild west town waiting for the invasion of tumble weed. We get to the shopping centre before the shops open and do some window shopping of the jewelers. We arrive at one and hang about outside in our masks. An assistant in the shop is preparing the window display, she is smiley and catches our eye. What follows is a charming non verbal, smiling, pointing and laughing conversation. When the shutters go up we enter and renew the conversation with the luxury of words to add to it. Soon we are sitting round a table with a perspex divider trying on diamond engagement rings. One by one the options fall by the wayside as my youngest daughter faced with the reality of rings, of cuts, of ornamentation, of types of metal and designs finds that her likes are somewhat different than her expectations. Gradually she moves from option to option and as she does so refines her choices and appreciations. Eventually she settles on a single stone set in platinum, elegant, timeless and refined. Then comes the discussion of size,which turns out to be more tricky than anticipated. The difference between a size L and a size L+ becomes a polite but titanic struggle of negotiation. The sales person wedded (no pun intended) to size L, my daughter unconvinced and instinctively knowing the L+ is for her digs in. In the end there can only be one winner, the customer is always right. My daughter decides on L+ and that means they will have to make one her size and she is willing to wait the weeks it will take. The transaction takes place and she is all smiles. I am pleased to have been there.

The chosen L+ ring of elegance

We return home to coffee and recollections. We sit and drink and eat cheesecake until its time for my daughter to drive home. I have messages from friends and hear how the world is gardening. It is after this that we learn the name of the new baby. Spring continues to spring. The evening beckons and we prepare and eat tea, I write the blog while waiting for the Line of Duty to come on. Tomorrow is my 28 day injection day so I have been loading with paracetamol all day. Not my favourite time of the month, time to fight again.
