PHASE II A.G.A.I.G DAY 73 & 74

Thursday was a work day. A day when I chatted to colleagues, hosted an Open Forum, collected my next months drugs, took a walk and did not train again due to a nagging pain in my side. The relief was a chance for a chat with a friend in the late afternoon, and a chance to compare notes on the salugenic nature of the real world or the lack of it. A day rounded off by watching Leicester win a football match and significantly increase their chances of playing in Europe next year.

Friday arrives and the intention is to get to the shed to type poems. No chance. The morning had all sorts of surprises for me. I found that the local charity shop that usual benefits from the families munificence was temporarily closed. As this transaction is not really one of help as we want something back, like garage space, this is really a business deal. So I had to find another charity shop that was open for business and willing to deal. I found one and rung them. Not to day thank you but tomorrow or next week was the response. So as soon as the new parasol is delivered tomorrow I am off to deliver boxes of cast offs. With that out of the way I found an email asking for the tittle, abstract and bio of a presentation I have agreed to give in July for MB3. I had to check what it was going to be about,the required length and duration, but with these ascertained I set about drafting them. Once done they were sent off in to the void to the other presenters ad organisers to ensure that we did not tread on each others presentations. I also offered to supervise someone who was working in a therapeutic community but it turned out that she was working with children, not an area of expertise for me so I pointed her in others direction. A surprise phone call from an old colleague and friend who had listened to the podcast of me talking about my prison days. I had not realised till yesterday that after the end of my bit the presenters discussed the conversation, they were very kind. A lunchtime walk and a bacon bagel and I finally made it to the shed. I wrote letters adn WhatsApp messages adn then typed up more poetry (poetry is not really the right word as I have got to the toe curling adolescent stuff). I have at last got down to the last 18. I might by the end of the weekend actually have them all in electronic form, the I can spend my evenings organising the whole lot and going back to exploring how to self publish. During the afternoon I shared a video with friends and family that had amused me, I share it below fro light relief.

For light relief.

I leave the shed as I can no longer stand the noise of the compressor that a two away neighbour is using. The neighbour is either running a construction business from home or he/she is power washing everything he/she owns including their children. We (oops almost got stuck in a pronoun then), I start to write the blog before tea and plan my evenings entertainment. I fancy watching the Sound of Metal which got a BAFTA for best music.

The symbolic dandelion clock of my life time
A real dandelion clock that will disappear before I do.