Tuesday a shed day. Breakfast and off to the shed. I wrote letters and then settled down to type yet more of my poems into a digital format. I stick at all morning until I crave noodles for lunch. Noodled out, I post my morning letters and return to the shed in my training gear. I type more poems all afternoon and finally get to the last 39. I take a call from a friend and we chat about the continuing frustrations and challenges of COVID. Too late to train I return to the house, clear the kitchen and prepare a cod dish. Tea done, I watch a little television, put bins out and prepare for my visit to the hospital tomorrow. That done I write the blog, which today was always going to be short.
I decided not to train today as I think I have a pulled muscle in my side and it twinges a bit, so I am being kind to myself. I will see how it goes tomorrow when I walk down to the hospital appointment. I did manage to snap a rather lovely moth that visited today.