Tuesday and its late, busy day. So this is likely to be short and sweet. After a muesli breakfast I headed for the shed armed with a can of 7 UP, two packets of mini cheddars and a laptop. I got set up at my table and resumed typing up the poems that I have in a lever arch file that constitute the first two hundred and something poems that I wrote in my youth. All morning I sat and typed until I needed a break at which point it was lunchtime. When I went to the house it was empty as the household had gone for a walk but there was post and what a great delivery this was. There were plants that I had been waiting for, a letter from a friend, my hospital appointment paper work for Monday ( apparently I’m going for a maxillofacial, sounds like a vaguely dodgy massage parlour) and most dazzling of all was a training top that my friend had made and sent to me. By any standard that is quite a collection of post to get. Of course I immediately potted up the plug plants and got them under cover in the greenhouse. It was then back to the shed to type up some more poems. I persisted and now I am down to my last (which are actually my first) 50 poems. A few more days and I will have all my poetry digitised. Then perhaps I can get them into book form, beware if I do you could be getting the most narcistic Christmas present ever.

I am not sure I can get much more into the greenhouse

I make the mistake of popping into the house and find another box of plants in the porch, so its back to the garden to pot up more plug plants and to put the trays of pre arranged summer flowering bulbs into suitable troughs. I return to the shed to get a breather when a friend calls and I am able to thank her for her terrific gift. I promise to give her feedback on how the top performs when I train in it later. Its her daughters birthday today so there is much excitement and fun to be had. I close up the shed for the day and return to the house, where I make up a file for the Maxillofacial paper work and fill in the forms that I need to take with me next week. By the time I finish my partner has made tea so we sit to eat, time is getting on. I change in to my training gear and watch a football match before heading for the garage to do a 45 minute session on the rower, it is my new tops first outing. I set a personal best for the time and resistance level, so the new top clearly works.

Me in action in my new top

After my session I put the bins out and settle down to write the blog. Tomorrow is a big day, I have a meeting with colleagues in the morning then in the afternoon I am off to get my second jab. It will be the day I complete my smug card.

See the source image
Its that time of year again, I feel ahead of the game.