Sunday, weigh in day.

90.4 Kilos

That will do me. That is cheesecake worthy given the past week. So after coffee we have a substantial breakfast and plan the day, but not before we have rung our youngest daughter. We chat about the process of buying a house and the pressures of organising next Christmas on a commercial basis. Apparently its even trickier this year. I message my partners brother to see how he is doing having been discharged home after having spent time having a bleed om the brain dealt with. Apart from being tired, having some interesting sensory experiences the worst thing is not wanting to eat. It is so serious that he does not even fancy a bacon sandwich, which is an indication of how serious things are. Having cleared the decks my partner and I head for one of the local garden centres. We navigate the one way system and pick up a climbing rose on the way. Whilst we stand in line with our trolley in the elements it snows. We finally get past the tills and collect our prepaid bags of compost and drive home. So then the fun starts. I find some trellis and fix it to a wall and then dig out a large hole for the rose. Once in the ground the stems get separated and tied to the trellis. First job done so now its onto getting the new wisteria settled into the big planter in the front garden so that it can begin to climb the front of the house and cover it in a drapery of flowers. After much muck moving and refiling I get the wisteria into its new home. Again it feels like I am planting in hope and the frustrations of confinement. Like a prisoner who eases his arms by growing what he can where he can while waiting freedom.

Having completed the garden tasks for the day my partner and I go in search of oregano at the local Co-op. It looked like we were out of luck until the assistant literally rummaged around at the back of a shelf and found a jar of the stuff. We added ice cream and a paper and headed home muttering about the be-tattooed scumbag who barged into the shop with out a mask, and his woman and child. Tolerance out of the window, up against the wall. Where are the army when you really need them? Any way once home I make olive bread or at least put all the ingredients into the bread maker, push buttons and then set it going. At about ten o’clock tonight I will know if all my button pushing has worked. With things being tidied and cleaned I start to write the blog before tea. The olive loaf turned out okay, hurray.

Spring and its time to garden