Saturday, a lazy start to the day. Breakfast, fill the drugs wallet for the week and plan the day. I WhatsApp my partners brother and find he has been transferred to a hospital in Nottingham and that he has to rest before any planned intervention on Tuesday. My partner and I go to her mothers so some banking issues can be sorted out and deliver some flowers. I wait in the car and check my emails. On the way back we drive by the physiotherapy clinic that my partner has booked into to get some work on her aching leg. Home and we finish off the scones that were baked yesterday. I watch England women’s rugby team beat Scotland while my partner does her yoga. I prepare the evening meal to be cooked and then I go to the shed to train. An hour on the bike to ease out the tensions and frustrations of the day.
Callories Kilometres
I complete the evening meal and we eat before watching Leicester Tigers beat Connaught. Then football then the blog. At the moment it feels like perpetual waiting, a quiet grind forward waiting for something, but not quite sure what.