Tuesday, and its going to be a good one. Things will turn up, get mended, be delivered and not be broken. This has sunshine day written all over it. So it is with optimism that I get up for breakfast and plan the day. Its going to be training between 11 and 13:30 over zoom and then some radical gardening. I try to join the zoom training but the link is dud. So I admit defeat, tell my colleagues of my failure and move on. I sit on the front step and I’m rewarded with several butterflies.

I real gift from nowhere

Its lunchtime and the family go for a walk to the village co-op to buy strawberry plants. A successful mission followed by me starting to garden while my partner and eldest daughter go for a longer walk. On their return I prepare the raised bed for the strawberries and leave my partner to plant them, a mission that went well.

The thin plastic sheet will protect the fruit and flap enough to deter the birds and squirrels.

While my partner does the strawberries I crack on clearing the heather bed and and getting it ready to put log roll edging round part of it. New pots of bulbs get planted and sited. I move some of our pots around to make a cleaner looking garden. While doing this I discover a small patch anemones that have come into flower.

The nice surprise of anemones in flower

My garden as full of gifts today as it soon presented me with a very plump bumble bee. Who could ask for anything more.

Stark contrast of stone and cuddly bumble bee.

I beaver away and eventually can clear away the tools and sit back and look at the fruits of my labour. Well I can see the difference but I doubt if anyone else will. I’m banking on the summer bulbs being spectacular.

Note the new log edging, wider spaced kneeling women, flanked by Acers.

I am tired and sore from yesterdays injection and decide to call it a day. I retreat to the house and open my new Amazon package. Oh the delight. There is nothing like a new set of electronic screwdrivers.

In my joy I put the bins out for tomorrows collection and moved onto re-siting the pond pump on a more suctionable base to stand it on. All the time I was fiddling around with my hand in the pond a very brave small frog sat in the middle of the pond and watched me intently. His or her friends had all dived out of site when I started but this one seemed to be unphased by me. I think tomorrow I’ll go down and see if he/she is up for a chat.

My frog chum

Its tea time and then I start the blog early as my intention is to soak in a bath adn get an early night. Its due to be sunny again tomorrow so its more garden time if I’m lucky.

See the source image
So bad days turn out to be good news even if it doesn’t feel like it.